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*Reminder* AAOU SSC Process Update: Pre-Hire Requests

Reposting of 7/15/22 post, with fixes to broken links...

This is a re-posting of our July 15, 2022 post regarding the Pre-Hire Request process change. This updated post, includes fixes to broken links:

EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, the AAOU SSC will no longer process Pre-Hire requests for AAOU SSC departments. The Pre-Hire option has been removed from our Request Type drop down menu in RT.

Moving forward AAOU SSC departments are responsible for submitting their own Pre-Hire Request directly to HR via the HR Pre-Hire Request DocuSign Submission Portal.

A few important things to note:

The Pre-hire process allows departments to get a new employee access to UMBC resources (CAMPUS ID, EMPLI ID, E-MAIL) before all of their new hire paperwork is processed by Human Resources. 

Once the new hire paperwork is processed by Human Resources the new hire will receive access to the same credentials, so a Pre-Hire request is only necessary if you want the employee to have access to UMBC credentials well in advance of their start date. 

In an audit of our processes we found that Pre-Hire requests being submitted to AAOU SSC for processing tend to occur at the same time the new hire paperwork is being submitted for processing, and therefore, there is no value-add by having the pre-hire process run through the shared services center, because more often than note both items are being processed concurrently.

If a department wishes to initiate a Pre-Hire action before they are able or ready to submit the complete New Hire request to AAOU SSC, in order to get the new hire access to their UMBC credentials sooner; enabling departments to submit these request directly to HR allow's the process to be executed as it was intended, and will produce the desired outcome of the new hire receiving access to UMBC credentials ahead of the new hire's paperwork being processed by HR.

Again, the Pre-Hire process is completely voluntary, and not required, and reaps the most benefits for those departments who have future dated start dates for their hires, but want to get them access to their credentials well in advance of their first day of work.

IMPORTANT NOTE: when hiring, initiating a hiring action with the AAOU SSC is still REQUIRED, and you should continue to do so using the AAOU SSC HR Paperwork Deadline calendar as your guide to when RT requests are due to AAOU SSC for the corresponding start date(s), selecting the appropriate payroll action, under the Payroll & HiringRequest Type within our RT ticketing system.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this change, please submit a General Inquiry RT Ticket to AAOU SSC, and a member of our team will respond within two (2) business days.

For detailed information about the Pre-Hire process, and links to the Faculty & Staff Pre-Hire Form, and Pre-Hire DocuSign Portal, please visit the link below:


Posted: July 15, 2022, 1:45 AM