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Updated AAOU SSC Deadline Calendar

**Please forward this information to the necessary individuals within your department, as this distribution list may not include all departmental staff**  

Good Afternoon,

Attached please find the updated AAOU SSC HR Paperwork Deadline Calendar, updated as of 1/14/20. This calendar should replace the prior calendar you received, as this version has been updated with deadlines through the end of June 2020 (PR-2021-001).


Please ensure all RT tickets are submitted by or before the AAOU SSC Deadline (highlighted in red) to ensure timely processing of all HR/Payroll requests.

The deadline highlighted in red is the date the RT ticket must be received by the AAOU SSC for processing, for all HR related tickets in order for the paperwork to be processed by HR for the corresponding Payroll ID and check date, THERE IS ONE EXCEPTION TO THIS:

If the RT request is for a new hire that may require a new hire appointment (not an existing UMBC employee), then we must have held the appointment and collected all necessary paperwork by the deadline date highlighted in redwhich means when hiring, you must submit your RT ticket to us at least two-weeks prior to the deadline that corresponded with your new hires start date, this will allow time for our staff to contact the new hire and schedule their appointment, hold the appointment and process the paperwork for submission to HR.

Ex. If department 12345 is hiring Jane Doe who is a non-exempt salaried employee, whose start date will be May 11, 2020, her start date falls in-line with PR-2020-024 which has a check date of 5/29/20, in order for Jane Doe to be added to payroll timely she must complete her new hire appointment and paperwork by the corresponding AAOU SSC deadline, which is 4/28/20. 

This means the department needs to submit the RT ticket to AAOU SSC a minimum of two weeks prior, which would be 4/14/20 (which is the PR-2020-023 deadline). This will allow the payroll preparer to contact the new hire, send all necessary hiring paperwork, and schedule their appointment, hold the appointment, and process all paperwork and submit to HR before the PR-2020-024 deadline, to ensure the new hire is on payroll and paid timely.

*REMEMBER* All new hire start dates should be coordinated with the AAOU SSC before the informal verbal offer is made, and we aim to have all new hire start at the beginning of the pay period.

Please see New Hire On-boarding Process document attached, that was sent to all departments on October 27, 2019 for reference.

Posted: January 17, 2020, 11:41 AM